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Today's News: Fact or Fiction: Activities

Take the "Checkology" Course

Practice Lateral Searching

Pick a number between 1 and 10, and look up the corresponding think tank. What is its political perspective?

  1. American Enterprise Institute
  2. Brookings Institute
  3. Cascade Policy Institute
  4. Cato Institute
  5. Center for American Progress
  6. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  7. Heritage Foundation
  8. Hoover Institute
  9. Ludwig Von Mises Institute
  10. Urban Institute

Practice Evaluating Images

Photography crew running away from a grizzly bear

[Photography crew running away from a grizzly bear]


Raccoon riding on an alligator

[Raccoon riding on an alligator]


A house on Avenue Georges V in Paris, France, looks like it's melting

[A house on Avenue Georges V in Paris, France, looks like it's melting]